Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Come by the library - room 232!

Welcome back students and teachers!

Library orientations are starting soon. Students can also visit the library during their lunch period - with a pass from a teacher, of course - to get a preview of the library and what it has to offer. We have begun checking out books and the checkout period is two weeks for all students. So, come and get an independent reading book as soon as possible. Teachers can schedule appointments for classes when ready.

We have some great ideas for literacy events this year so stay tuned for more details.

See you in the library!

- Ms. Overstreet (librarian)
Ms. Bryan (library aide)


Mr. Simeon said...

Ms. Overstreet, you are doing an awesome job as the Librarian at our great institution. Keep up the good work.

Brooklyn Teacher said...

Hi Ms. Overstreet,
Let me know when you get the new books we talked about. Did you get to order them yet?

ayianna said...

ms overstreet do you have any goosebumps books ,if not that is ok

MalikMalcolmFindley said...

HI ms overstreet I love the libray it so cool and I have another person who want to join